måndag 28 januari 2013

Dont forget about tactic you fool

I had been in Warszawa this weekend.
ECC competition "Woyda's Foil" is nice competitions, I watched many fights, many fencers, and I realize that many, to many fencers just forget about basic tactics during matches.
I know that Cadett fencing is quite often more instinctive than planned. But I thing that arount 30% of all hitts are just because of opponents "unforced errors" . So if opponent will eliminate those errors match should be much harder. So what than?
So here we are, very basic tactics tips for fencers:

# Always believe in your opponents real possibilities. You can lose just because you don't believe in yourself, or you think that your opponent is better that hi is. (remember that "names" on jacket don't fence, ranking don't fence either)

# Use a time of your opponents fight to observe and analyze him. By this way you can save a time in your fight with him, time you need to recognize him. This way can help you also avoide simple mistkes on the begining of fight with him.

# When you are trying to rcognize your opponents remember to keep correct distance. To short distance give him always possibility to surprise you.

# You shouldn't fight schematic all time. Try always hide your real intentions and show him many marks to find the best moment to use your real plan. More marks are more reason to think.

# Your all moves should be dangerouse for your opponent, give him many reason to be nervous and not sure what you want to do, this is the easiest way to destroy his plans.

# Dont let him just take over initiative in fight

# Usually the best way to surprise your opponent is the simplest action! (with good preparation!)

# Don't give your blade to your opponent to easy (use low or high position of blade, change it!)

# If you fight against fencer who like attack be focus and try disturb him on every step back, or just go to attack by yourself

# You should be always active! remebmer that piste is 14m long, use your legs!

# Dont forget about "second intention" actions

# Dont hurry up to finish fight, even if you lead stay focus and fence active

# Always focus on "just one more hit".. and than another

# Continue fencing until referee say "halt"

# If your opponent is leading, don't try get back point as fast is possible, prepare every action. Yes, I know sometimes you need just 1 sec to prepare, sometimes is enough.

# Stay focus after fight, try to remember all mistakes and do not make it happen again

Im quite sure that hose few tips can help you all, just try to remember it, and follow it under single matches and competitions.

tisdag 22 januari 2013

Water dance

I want to be dancing master, and I want to teach my fencers water dance.
Maybe is quite naive, but I belive that investment in technique is the best investment we can do in fencing, since first practice we should focus on it.. technique, technique.. rytm, flow, tempo.

Off course you cannot forget speed, strenght and coordination but this all are "just" motoric skills and it takes shorter time to train it, much shorter time than get good technigue.

Many can think that is very funny, but I love Syrio Forrel, from Game of Thrones
I think that this framgent is one of the best "fencing" fragments in tv.


söndag 20 januari 2013

About competitions and hatred

Competitions are very importand for our sport. Its help us to check how we practice.
Its help us to test ourself.
Its help us to improve something, something we want to improve for ourselfs (not to coach or parents I hope). Everyone should try to improve something.

I like competitions, I like this atmosphere, some kind of electricity in the air..
who will be the best today?
who will show something unexpected?
how will fence my fencers?

I like meet my magic people, I like talk with them.. about fencing.
I like watch how others "do their things"..with hope to learn something
I like watch focus on their faces,.. with hope to learn something
I love see emotions
I love this "game" on the piste,

Usually fencers try make their best on competitions, so I wonder why (sometimes) those who arrange competitions are not trying their best?
Why to arrange competitions if you dont want to make best competitions?
Why do not care about small or sometimes big things which interacts on me or other people and help me or other poeple decide to do not come here anymore?

There are many, many competitions I always try to go,
I like those competitions, ... to many competitions actually.
But there are competitions I dont like, I try to avoid,
Doesnt matter with country, or city.. just I dont like some competitions...
There are competitions I were once or two.. and I will never do it again.
Its doenst matter which competitions, but few are very bad...


- I hate when someone show "time schedulle" and its not working!
what is a meaning to inform everyone and do not follow it, ok shit can hapend, but there should be plan B.. and shit cannot hapend 3 or 4 times during last 3 or 4 times..

- I hate when nothing happend on competitions!
Sometimes we just seating there, 20 pistes, 20 referies.. 20 fencers... and seating.. what a fuck? I came here to see fencing, I came here to work.. not to seat and eat swedish distasteful sausages

- I hate when competitions starts very early! (or they have plan to do it)
Competitions starts att 8:00, ok, you need be there att 7:00.. so?
Doors open att 7:30 :)
Breakfast in hotell since 7:00 :)
Everything is fine, if those competitions with 30-50 fencers will finish att 15:00.. but, no!
"we love fencing" so competitions ends att 18:00 or 19:00 with 3 or 4 moments without fencing like 1 hour and no one knows when it will start again. Love it.
what happend if competitions will start one hour later? we will finish att 1800 or 1900 too.

- I hate bad food or no food on competitions!
Is it so hard to arrange some good food on competitions?
toast, hot-dog (specially swedish) and "warm" coca cola is not good food for any one

- I hate competitions without space!
space to leave fencing bags?
space to seat and watch fencing?
space to make warm up?
space between pistes? (3meters is needed)
space between scoring machines and piste? (should be minimum 1m)

- I hate competitions without speakers or plasma tv
there are two good methods to communicate with people..
talk with them - use speakers! and someone who know how to use microphone!
or show everything on plasma tv in good time, and hold this time.. so whats a problem?
best solution.. both att once!

- I hate competitions without "finals"
its should be lite more "prestige" more spectacular... is it so hard to present quarter or semifinalist and referies?
is it so hard to arrange final pist?
Yes I know usually there is no publicity on competitions.. but how to invite them if there is nothing nice to see?

- I hate competitions without prizes and podium
usually competitions has winners.. so winners should be on podium att the end of competitions, so easy... not bench with sticker 1,2,3... podium!
I always wonder if those who arrange competitions thing sometimes what a shit they give as a price?
It they would like to get it?
if you have no idea for prizes.. please ask fencers in your club...
football socks on fencing competitions are not the most wantet prize..

- I hate when is to many competitions :)
hate it, especially if some "important" national competitions with 30 fencers overlap with good international competitions with 2 poule and DE with repechage and 200 fencers

Is it so hard to look on international calendar first and then make national calendar?

hate it especially when few quite good internationall competitions and nationall competitions are just week after week, who can afford it?

hate it especially when competitions has a stupid date.. just after some holidyas or something

So, its seems that I hate competitions... no I love it, Im just disapointed when is not working!
Unfortunatelly Swedish competitions are quite on top those bad.. BUT there are people in Sweden who "know how".. "they know their things" as Silvo Forrel said (about him little later)
Just so,
I would like to inform:

Its possible to arrange quite big competitions during one day, or make it much more fun during two days
Its possible to arrange final presentations, podium, prizes
Its possible to arrange quite good food during competitions

And yes, its not easy, and usually its not cheap to make it... but If someone travel 500km for national competitions pay for 2 night in hotel, referies, etc.. its no big deal to pay maybe 5-10 euro more for entry fee and require good competition!

One more thing, if someone arrange fencing competition to make money... already lose

fredag 11 januari 2013

Magic people... Fencing people!

Everyone has friends, (I hope!)... I can be quite boring, but I have only "fencing friends".
Yes I have friends from elementary school, childhood, high school or university..but there are friends.. and "friends".

For me its f...g big difference when you know people.. and when you can call them friends.
I know thousand of people, but I havent to many friends..
Maybe it depends of my character, maybe its not so easy to be friend with me.
Maybe I dont want to have many friends..

There are few people I would like to present.
People who here in far, far away Sweden do some fencing.. not always like me, but beauty of fencing is that enyone can do fencing on his own way, and it can work pretty well.

I love fencing, and I have great respect to people who work with fencing, almost all of them.
So, please meet "my" Magic people,  "my" Fencing people.. here in Sweden.. my pack!

I need to start with Pawel Mancewicz, because its actually his fault that Im here (long story!)

Pawel "Mancek" is coming from Poland, from same city as me, from same club as me (Budowlani Torun), Hi was already national team epee fencer when I tried to be good in foil. Not as regular epee fencer, Pawel is also dangerous in foil! Hi is also FIE referee.. in foil.
Hi is a "Mrs Fencing" on Gotland island. Working as a coach and PE teacher.
Master degree in PE and fencing coach from AWF Katowice - "produced" by famous prof. Czajkowski.
His wife is an angel, if Pawel is "quite" impulsive, Ewa is totally opposite to him.
His two soons, Bartek and Mikolaj already fence, with quite good results. It can be quite loud about Bartek, Mikolaj can be another Zlatan too.
The best with Pawel is that we can call to each other and tell everything with many "kurwa" between.

Orvar "Maestro" Jönsson. The Old Fox, actually in my opinion the last one of those "classical fencing masters", the last one in Sweden, the last Swedish who got my great respect. Great Experience. Great passion.. to golf and his dog. Live in Malmö and working there, also as a PE teacher in High School. Orvar is Swedish Fencing Federations board member. I love old stories, and Orvar knows "few".

Pierre Thulberg, champion of diplomacy. Actually hi is a general secretary in Swedish Fencing Federation now, and I have great expectations to him on this position. Pierre know fencing well as a DT on biggest competitions include Olympic Games. Many people know him, and hi knows many people. I like Pierre for many things, one of those most important is that hi understand that, we, here in Sweden, need to change a lot of things to be better. I just hope that Pierre will make it happen.

 Ivan Makkai. Most famous Swedish among Hungarians, and almost most famous Hungarian among Swedish (I think Bella Rerisch is still more famous hungarian). Epee coach from Stockholm, Djugården, educated in Budapest.
There is some kind balance in the world. Jang and Jing, if there is one impulsive coach like Pawel or me (but in this compare Im calm), there need to be another very calm. Ivan is calm. Hi likes fencing and do his jobb, quite good distans between life and work. Hi always find a time to go fishing. Hi can be world champion in fishing on fly among fencers. I heard that Ivan likes slavisk music and "burnt wine". All nice girls should notice that Ivan is still single.
Martin "Rektor" Roth Kronwall, the guy who beat Salvatore Sanzo when they were juniors. Working in Gothenburg with Henrik (about him later). Hi is like sport menager and help coach in club. Hi was a principal in High School, but love to fencing (and to us) was stronger than good sallary. So hi is teaching som wired subject like culture history in part time and rest of his time spend on fencing gym. Hi can be record holder if you count all nights hi slept in fencing club. Martin is also autor of book about "cold swimming houses in Sweden"... I have this book, even with autograph, but Im not ready yet to start reading it. I will tell you about it when it will be done.

 Henrik Lundegard is this guy you se always with Martin, and believe they are not togehter!. Henrik became a coach few years ago, try learn everything from everyone by himself and create his own fencing phylosophy. Great motivation and very good results so far. Hi is a head coach working with foil in Gothenburg. Actually Gothenburg is a only one fencing club in sweden with 3 coaches! Yes, I know its quite funny, but this is how it is in Sweden.. in my situation 100 kids.. 1 coach - part time paid, and its not a club foult, this is "swedish model" its quite interesting so I will write about it some day.
Henrik is a "made in sweden" product. Involved to his jobb, with own instinkt and not always good teoretical base. Unfortunatelly Sweden hasnt any national education for fencing coaches, there are just very simple instructor courses, so Henriks "by himself" way is correct. Who told us that coach need to have a master degree in sport since? Yes, I know all coaches from post comunistics countries have it. But Henrik is from Sweden. On other side Henrik is try to beat Pawel on "go carts" as I remember, so long without results.


Mariusz Zimmerman is another Coach coming from Poland and working here, in far, far away Sweden. We are almost like mafia here :)  Hi is the "silent" one. Hi never gets yellow or black cards, not like Pawel or me. Representing Muszkieter Gliwice and educate as Pawel on AWF Katowice produced by famous professor Czajkowski. Mariusz like Ivan has a great distans between work and life. I dont have, fencing - my work, my passion.. is my life. Its make me dangerous.
Mariusz is like catalyst you can talk with him like with Pawel, but without so many "kurwa, ja pierdole" I have a feeling that Mariusz can produce great fencers, questions is only if there are any candidates out there.. in Örebro?

Alexandr Siniak, the newest one in the pack. Hi came to Sweden two years ago from Minsk, and hi replaced me in Ängby Fencing Club. Because of my moving with quite big group of fencers and starting En Garde Fencing Club, hi started almost from begining in Ängby and his small ninjas are already on top in youngest category. I can speak polish with Pawel and Mariusz, and with Sasha I can still practice my russian, which is great, unfortunatelly Sasha want to practice swedish more often.
Sasha like go carts to!  We like to talk about fencing, similar ideas, similar fascination. All nice girls should note that as I know Alexandr is already taken, but you can always try.
I think that Im quite magic too.
As you can read in my profile, coming from Poland, Torun, educated on AWF Warszawa. Walking always his own ways. Always something to say, and say always what hi thinks. Quite active in Students Union during studies, if I cannot succe in fencing, I will be a politican, the orthodox one.
Black and white.. there is no grey.
Maybe black sheep, but I dont care. No others hobby than fencing, have no time. Actuall focused on En Garde Fencing Club - the dream which comes true. But there are few dreams more to come true.
So here we are. No girls this time.. because fencing is a sport for real man!
There are few more in Sweden working with fencing, but not so many, unfortunatelly. Hope it will change some day.
I need to apologize all my friends in other countries! You are great too, but I will write about you all next time.

fredag 4 januari 2013


Maybe its hard to believe but Fencing is a fight sport, not same as boxing, judo or MMA, but still fight sport. You are practicing and then you need to compare yourself with someone else.
Practicing fencing without competition is like be a great painter and never show your painting to anyone.
I will wirte about it much more, soon.

There are many fencing competitions.
Different levels, different age category, different competitions formula, individuall and team.
Some are very good, some are not really good.
Im thinking most about everything around competitions.
Informations, Hotells, Transfers, Time schedulle, Prices, Finals Ceremony.
But I need to say that more and more competitions are better and better.

Since few years ago Cadetts can compete in European Cadett Circuit - really good initiativ.
I havent possibility to fence and collect expierence on those competitions.
I had only Junior World Cups, even when I was a cadett, so it was much harder to qualiffy among those 12 juniors, than like now among even 20 cadetts.

This season I was in Manchester and Halle, I couldnt be in Cabries, but now Im going to Warszawa.

It can be little commercial now, but competitions in Warszawa are really good!
I like those competitions, yeasterday I saw it on Warszawas undergrund:
Its means that people who arrange this competitions want this competitions be good, its means that they want to promote it and inform many others "come, and see this, its worth it"
Fencing can be very nice sport to watch, not so easy to understand, but I was 3 times on Challenge Insternationall de Paris, and I saw it, I dont know how many, 3000 people, maybe more watched quater, semi and finals.. and they knew when make some noise. Everyone paid 10 euro for it.
I saw in TV finals in Turin, finals in Paris on World Championships... no free place left.
So if you are not sure what to do 26 or 27 january 2013... come and see this!
For Fencers is still possible to register your entry!

Prizes are waiting!

torsdag 3 januari 2013

how bad do you want it?

I would like to give you all possibility to watch one of my favorite You Tube clip!
Its about motivation to be succesfull.
Nice work out there, but more important is what they say during this video!
For those who has hard to concetrate and listen, below whole text!
Please note that there are 2 parts.

How bad you want it part 1

There was a young man, you know, who wanted to make a lot of money and so he went to this guru, right. And he told the guru you know I wanna be on the same level you are and the guru said if you wanna be on the same level I’m on, I’ll met you tomorrow at the beach.

So the young man got there 4 A.M. he already to rock n’ roll. Got on a suit should of wore shorts. The old man grabs his hand and said: How bad do you wanna be successful? He said: “Real bad”. He said: Walk on out in the water. So he walks out into the water. Watch this. When he walks out to the water he goes waist deep and goes like this guy crazy.

Hey ( ) I wanna make money and he got me out here swimming. I didn’t ask to be a lifeguard. I wanna make money he got me in – so he said come on a little further – walked out a little further – then he had it right around this area – the shoulder area – so this old man crazy – he making money but he crazy. So he said come on out a little further – came out a little further, it was right at his mouth – my man, I’m not about to go back in this guy is out of his mind. And the old man said: “I thought you said you wanted to be successful?” He said: “I do.” He said: “Then walk a little further.” He came, dropped his head in, held him down, hold him down, my man (kept scratching) hold him down, he had him held down, just before my man was about to pass out, he raised him up. He said: “I got a question for you.” He told the guy, he said: “When you want to succeed as bad as you wanna breathe than you will be successful.

I don’t know how many of you all got asthma here today? If you ever had a asthma attack before your short of breath S.O.B shortness of breath, you wheezing (breath sound) the only thing you trying to do is get some air. You don’t care about no basketball game, you don’t care about what’s on T.V., you don’t care about nobody calling you, you don’t care about a party. The only thing you care about when you trying to breathe is to get some fresh air. That’s it! And when you get to the point where all you wanna do is be is successful as bad as you wanna breathe then you will be successful. And I’m here to tell you that number one, most of you say you wanna be successful but you don’t want it bad, you just kind of want it. You don’t want it bad than you wanna party. You don’t want it as much as you want to be cool. Most of you don’t want success as much as you want sleep. Some of you lost sleep more than you lost success. And I’m here to tell you today, if your going to be successful you gotta be willing to give up sleep. You gotta be willing to work with 3 hours of sleep – 2 hours of sleep, if you really wanna be successful. Some day your gonna have to stay up 3 days in a row. Because if you go to sleep you might miss the opportunity to be successful. That’s how bad you gotta (inaudible)

You gotta go days without – LISTEN TO ME! You gotta want to be successful so bad that you forget to eat. My ( ) said say, once she was on the set doing her thang, three days had gone by and she forgot that she didn’t eat. Cause she was engaged. I never forget, I went, 50 Cent was doing his movie, I did a little research on 50 and 50 said: that when he wasn’t do the movie he was doing the soundtrack. And they said: “When do you sleep?” 50, and 50 said: “Sleep, sleep is for those people who are broke. I don’t sleep.” See I got an opportunity to make my dream become a reality. Don’t cry to quits. You already in pain, you already hurt. Get a reward from it. Don’t go to sleep until you succeed. Source: LYBIO.net Listen to me, I’m here to tell you today you can come here and and you can jump up – you can do flips and you can be excited when we give away money but listen to me, you will never be successful, I don’t have to give you a dime if you ( ) You won’t be successful until you say I don’t need that money cause I got it in here.

Only The Strong Survive.

So you thought it was the end of the story. (laughs) So you thought just because the student was willing to be obedient to the guru and not only wake up but meet him at the beach early in the morning. You thought that was enough. [knocking] Ah I got it. So you thought he was willing to walk out to the deep of the ocean that that was enough you because the guru placed his head under the water, pulled it out and taught him that the secret to success is wanting it as bad as you wanna breathe. So you thought that was the end of the story. You thought that one single event that one single moment was enough for him to stand amongst the greats to make his dream become reality. Well you thought wrong. In fact, it’s far from over. That was the easy part.

NOW – Now it’s time to redefine the grind. You thought it was over? Well it’s just getting started. See, this is the part. This is the part where life demands you make a life long commitment, this is the part where life demands that you make a vow come hail or high water, that you’re willing to pay the price the full fare where you earn your spot with effort, with sweat, with blood, with tears. And so you say, you want it as bad as you wanna breathe. Then it’s show time! It’s examination time. It’s time to get tested, to test your will, your endurance, it’s time to test your art, to test your limits. This is the art where you re-invent yourself.

Sleep. I don’t sleep. You thought that was it. It goes deeper than going without sleep because you might miss the opportunity to succeed. No, no, no it’s about no days off – no weekends, no holidays, no birthdays. Listen to me! No days off! No half days! No holidays! No snow day! It’s about gaining the competitive edge. It’s about separation. It’s about separating yourself from the pack, the competition. It’s about being a little faster, a little stronger.

Listen to me. A little faster than you were last year, last month, last week. In fact, you gotta be a little faster today than you were yesterday. And you can’t afford on the road to success, you can’t afford to make excuses. No excuses when you feel pain. And trust me, you will feel it. You gotta go deep deep down, beyond, beyond exhaustion, beyond (a workout) and when it’s harder than you imagined it would be, when it takes longer than you thought it would take and when the load is heavy than you thought you could bare and all you wanna do is give up and all you wanna do is give in, when you feel like you’ve given all you got, you gotta take one more step, you gotta run one more lap.

You gotta throw one more punch and disregard how much more does it take. You gotta fight back. You gotta fight a little harder. You gotta defeat disappointment, annihilate weakness and punish the competition. It’s about pushing yourself beyond the limits. It’s about perfecting the you, not just doing more, not just being better but finding your best. Listen to me. It’s more than you want it so bad than you wanna breathe that’s not enough, you gotta be willing to face every fear, climb every mountain, defy every odd, on-slot every obstacle, one step at a time, one day at a time, until you – only you are left standing – there’s no one else and there’s nothing in your way. Until you reach the top.

onsdag 2 januari 2013

to be or not to be

Since 2006 I work as fencing coach, actually I’m fencing coach.
Not really complete, still learning, still collecting experience.
It’s not so easy to be fencing coach, but I’m trying to do my best. Already with great self-confidence, already ambitious, still want more, often more than my own students and this leads to moment that I’m very disappointed. But I’m still learning, I start understand that everything I do need a time.
I need a time to understand my students.
My students need time to understand fencing… sometimes I need more time to understand fencing better too.

What I have learned as a Coach already is that my students are not as me 10-20 years ago.
They wannabe good, but their good is like half good when I try to compare it with “my times” and believe me I wasn’t best.
They say they practice hard, but it’s like a half hard in my opinion. It seems like they want it... But as one of my favorite YouTube video says... They don’t want it bad, really bad.

I wanted it bad. I tried practice hard, and I’ve make a lot of mistakes, everything was “clear” when I was 25… it was a moment that I could jump in on the piste and just fence… like Neo in matrix… but it was “little” too late.

As a small recompense I won 8 gold in Sweden, didn’t practice, but my head was ready… and I didn’t say my last word yet,..
I dreamed to be a champion, and I decide to do everything is needed to make it happen. I didn’t achieve all I dreamed about, but it was really worth it to try.

My love to fencing, my passion makes me a fencing coach, which can be good. Time, will show.

My motivation was those few moments on podium, doesn’t matter which competitions.
My motivation was stipendium which give me possibilities to buy shoes or jeans, I never could afford without it, because I grow up without father, so all incomes we had was my mother salary, not so high, believe me.

I could go to Academy of Physical Education without exams.
I never paid for any world cup or my equipment.
I could travel, I could meet many people, I could learn languages.
I know, it was post communistic Poland, at 90’s … but it was great for me!

 It was like 2+2,
I will practice = I will be good.
I will be good enough = I will come to national team
National team = World Cups, Stipendium, equipment

First time flying by fencing
First time outside Europe by fencing
Start learning Russian by fencing
Go study by fencing
“First time” … by fencing (summer camp)

Then you will be a fencing coach J
Really, as my friend Henrik wrote few weeks ago... he has best work in the world, and Henrik is a coach, fencing coach to.

 Let ask your friends or parents, who want to do what he/she likes and take salary for it.
Yes, I know Bank director can be also cool job, and cool salary… but with all respect to Bank directors (especially those who want to be a sponsor to fencing or fencers) how cool is to be bank director?

 I was thinking about it. I even asked my wife
(Those who know my wife, knows that I have best wife that fencing coach can get, she simply understand that I love her more than football and basketball… but fencing was my “first one”, and I hate football, but I like pretty much basketball)
So I asked my wife, did I go to work.. She answered: you always say I’m going to the club…
I never said I’m going to work!
I’m not working J

 You cannot work like 50 hours per week, sometimes few weeks in a row without day off and get 75% salary for it and call it work..
I know, it calls… madness
But this is not madness, this is fencing. (Not Sparta!)

It seems that my students live in totally different world today.
They thinking about be a champion,
You can be a champion, Swedish champion, is propably what you get when you are practicing 2-3 times per week, but it will be champion in cross-orientation…
(Actually I heard that Sweden is quite good on it, so maybe is not so easy as I think)

Is it possible to be a champion in “call of duty” if you are practicing 2-3 times per week?

Lance Armstrong won 7 times Tour de France and 2 Olympic gold if I remember correct, and hi practiced around 12 hours per DAY and even this wasn’t enough, as we know today hi get help by other methods too.
(hi is still one of my heroes!)

As I see my students want too much,
Be good in school, be good in fencing, meet friends, watch tv, visit shopping center, play PlayStation, sleep a lot, don’t miss any family holidays trip, be always on grandma B-day party...

Sorry, it’s not working like this.
You always hear Life is the art of choice
You can choose to have fun in fencing; it will be really nice for sure
You can choose to do your best to be the best, without any guarantee that you will achieve it, I think this is really fun.. Sweat, pain and tears

If you want to be good in fencing you need to choose that since today for next 10 or 15 years you forget about everything what is not fencing connected, at least 11 month per year.

Yes, you can do something more, you can find even time to visit your grandmother but this demand a great self-discipline, no excuses just work, just step by step to achieve you goals, goal after goal, day by day, week after week.

I couldn’t find any of those “Greatest” who achieve “greatness” without offer their life for it.
And what is quite funny, in fencing you do this all just for yourself. You cannot expect money, sponsors or nice cars for it.
It’s just for you.

 So I’m thinking is it worth it?

I can help you work hard, I can show you how.
If you come to me and tell my “I want it bad, and I’m ready to do anything for it” I will do my best, I take responsibility for you, I will spend with you 20hours on the piste per week, but I need to know that you are crazy enough to be not afraid, that you are ready to give 100% of you every time I ask, and I will ask for it every day.

If you come to me and tell my “I want to have fun” I will show you fun with fencing  too.

But please you need to be honest with me, and what is more important with yourself.

 I know that be a coach is more to serve, than conquer but I demand great motivation and hard work before you deserve my serve
This is kind of coach I’m.
It’s not me who work, I just tell you and show you how, and you decide how much of it you will take.